We are poised to through the help of the Holy Spirit raise up true representatives of the kingdom of God on earth who will indeed be salt of the earth and light of the world. Leader are raised and as the bible says train up a child in the way he will grow and when he has grown up, he will not depart from it.
We therefore intend to start inculcating the kingdom principles from the foundational stage. We are trusting God that every child who passes through Diplomats International School will stand out where ever he or she may be all over the world and having great impact.
Diplomat Int'l School at a Glance
We believe in a comprehensive education system that will help develop children into well-groomed personalities and channelize them in their talents to make them global citizens.
School Management
Curriculum Overview
We have adopted a comprehensive scheme of work which is tailored to prepare students for a multicultural, technological program. This is based on the basic Education curriculum from the Federal Ministry of Education.




